The Day I Met Björk

office— What’s your first memory of Spike at that 2008 Christmas party?
Humberto Leon— My friend had invited me to his Christmas party and he introduced me casually to Spike. I was always a huge fan, so was super excited to meet him. When he showed up, he was wearing an Opening Ceremony grey peacoat blazer. When I asked him if that was Opening Ceremony, he said he didn’t know and checked the label. It was. We talked and set up a time to meet the next day at the store. We became best friends and collaborators ever since.
What was it like to meet someone you admired so much?
Super fun because he was super nice, genuine and as inspiring as ever.
What was your first reaction to seeing the photos?
I was blown away at all the images that were never before seen. Spike is such an intentional photographer that so many images are beyond gorgeous.
What drew you to Björk’s “It’s Oh So Quiet” music video?
It was so simple and unique. That is the essence of Spike’s work — it’s super thoughtful, simple and an instant masterpiece.

The archival process can be so eye-opening. How have you changed since the start of curating the exhibition? What have you learned about yourself?
I’m a natural archivist myself, a constant collector of culture. I’m an organized hoarder. I think the past always has its time to shine, so we must always take care of it.
What made you want to make a free downloadable zine in tandem with the exhibition?
I always want to make things accessible because as a kid, I always wanted things but couldn’t find them.
Favorite piece of Björk lore?
That she’s an alien.
What’s one thing you’d like to tell Björk?
“Let’s have a Beyoncé all night dance party.”