Fantasy Dress Up Magazine

I know you said your project kind of pokes fun at social media-constructed fantasy lives. Was there something specific in fashion news or on social media that sparked Fantasy Dress Up?
RT There was no specific trigger. Fantasy Dress Up started in 2012. Since then, the platforms in social media have really shifted from a peek into each other’s lives to a more direct, lived-experience documentation. More and more imagery on social media is staged for the viewer. We didn’t originally have a social media-constructed self in mind, but the dress ups read much differently in 2017 with this new context. Now the dress ups speak to a constructed self, and our magazine takes this idea further. We wanted to take the humor of the dress ups and apply that to fashion imagery.
Have any of the celebrities you used responded to the looks you gave them?
A few fashion celebs have responded or reposted when it was a look or show they worked on. Some of our favorites were J.W. Anderson, stylist Benjamin Bruno, Michel Gaubert and M/M Paris.
Did you grow up playing with paper dolls?
LL I definitely did. My aunt gave me a cutout paper doll book of fairytale princesses when I was little. I vaguely remember putting the Cinderella dress onto the Little Red Riding Hood character because it suited her much better.

Who would be your dream celebrity to dress? Or your nightmare?
LL Kim K, all the way. Or LeeLee Sobieski - she get’s it right every time she is on the red carpet. There’s no nightmare celebrity because we can improve anyone’s look.
RT I’m just waiting for Nicki Minaj to call me. Like I’d do such a good job.
What's your fantasy vision for the future of fashion?
LL I would love for fashion to slow down and take time to create fantastical, sensitive, thoughtful, and sustainable pieces of fashion and fashion imagery.
RT I want more creativity and exaggerated autonomy of people in general, not just celebrities. Many reality television shows (and American culture itself) is so much about making oneself a commodity. Using fashion as a tool to amplify individuality is a powerful way to do this.