Hold Me Like a Crucifix

Khleopatre has been moving under the radar as an It-girl to those who know… Until now. The up-and-coming certified CEO has major plans for the next year—her very own makeup label that she’ll be releasing soon.

RONALD KAHIHIKOLO — First and foremost, how did Khleopatre come to be? In other words, where did your alias come from?
KHLEOPATRE — When I was young, my mama would always tell me stories about Nefertiti and Cleopatra, but she would tell it in her own ways and create this fantasy. She’d tell me these stories because she’s very passionate about ancient Egypt and I’m also Egyptian as well. So, it just came from that and you know when you play with your cousins? Like, ‘Oh I’m this superstar—I’m this, I’m that?’ I always used to say that I’m Cleopatra or Nefertiti. So it just stuck and at some point in my life before I shaved my head, I cut it on a square, did a bang and it was sort of like Khleopatre.
RK — What do most people know you from and how would you like to be known?
K — Most people know me from Instagram but I’d like to be known as a CEO.
RK — In a broader sense, what are you most excited about right now? yourself to anyone that hasn’t found their way to you yet?
K — I always say that I’m a make-up artist, part time model, and I also do art direction.
RK — You’re also a street style icon and your style can be labeled as a playful mixture between vintage and ultramodern. It seems like you’re honestly just having a fun time. How do you conceptualize your vision?
K — I go through phases—sometimes I’ll wear boy clothes so I would just be on tomboy mode, some other times I really want to be girly, and some other times I want to look like a teacher, so I’ll just wear skirts. It really depends on my mood and I’m really inspired by anime or the ‘50s with artists, like Frida Kahlo and just art in general. Sometimes furniture inspires my outfits as well. I’ll just see something and it’ll give me inspiration and I don’t really get inspiration from people, what inspires me more is the way they behave—it’s more emotionally driven.

RK — Going back to the subject of makeup, what fascinates you the most about makeup?
K — I’m actually making my own makeup brand right now, so I’m super excited about that. I’ve had the idea of making my own makeup brand since forever and now it’s actually coming to life. I have a partner who I’m doing all that with and hopefully I’ll be able to launch it by next year.
RK — When do you feel the most assured or like yourself?
K — When I’m creating because it allows me to open up my heart and that’s where my visions come from and when I’m in my bubble.
RK — We’re slowly getting introduced to your universe. How would you detail your universe and what’re the laws?
K — My universe is colorful, the perfect mix between anime and spirituality and the 50s. Ruled by the pronoia ( the opposite of paranoia) and gratitude for anything that happens.
RK — It seems like you dabble a bit in everything —a real hustler—how would you introduce did you decide to start your own makeup line?
K — I always mix a lot of makeup. I love to do eye shadows ever since I was able to do makeup by myself. I love to use vibrant colors and glitters. Most of the time I need to mix a lot of products together to get the look that I want. So I was just like, ‘Let me just make palettes that have everything in one.’ Also, on my journey and for my brand, I do a lot of color research—I also do a lot of research on materials and fabrics and it’s really amazing and I recommend it to everyone.
RK — I’ve also seen that you’ve styled other people before. Do you find it harder or easier to dress someone else? What goes on in your mind when you’re trying to curate a look for someone?
K — I will say it’s hard for me when I don’t feel the person but I love to style my friends and help them dress and all that. But when it comes to work, if I don’t know the person, I find it harder. Definitely, because I don’t know what the person likes or doesn’t like, it’s just really hard. I know how it feels to just get thrown in an outfit that you might not like as a model. That’s why I don’t really do that anymore, but I love to dress my friends.