I Believe (I Can Fly)

Holly McClintock, 22, Barista and Intern for NOSESSO LA
I make clothing that caters to the belief that each and every one of us can be special. Using commercial imagery, cheap materials and supersaturated visual information I capitalize on the consumer ego, tapping into primal joys and desires. I believe that fashion is one of the few arenas where we can fully indulge in fantasies and meaningless aspirations—for speed, for weightlessness, and bodily transformation.
I wouldn't consider myself particularly young or reckless—I'm really much more of a rule follower. I truly believe that when you work within parameters there's more room for growth.

Vibrating Icarus dress with feathers by Holly McClintock, Nike Airforce 1 shoes
Sappho Finnegan, 23, still under construction
I design clothing that is often inspired by the people and experiences around me as well as my personal stories and emotions, kind of how both influence each other. Often these come out as characters, that can push boundaries and be bold, in ways that I find difficult for myself.
I feel like much of my adolescent life was unknowingly (or not caring) reckless. Sneaking out of the house at night just to hang out, getting a fake ID just to go to clubs, hopping fences and going through back doors just to see a DJ you kind of liked. I feel that being reckless then has allowed me to better understand life, how to get by in hairy situations, and definitely if it's worth the reckless effort. Being reckless as an adolescent has transformed into taking chances, and being brave in my adult life, or possibly still just reckless.

Denim zip jumpsuit by Sappho Finnegan, Comme des Garçons fishnet socks, Ann Demeulemeester white derby shoes
Natalie Castro, 23, fashion designer & artist
I design clothes for folks who want to feel good in their own skin. My clothes empower the wearer to feel sexy, fun and free. I'm very much inspired by the reckless nature of children, and how they allow themselves to be genuine and unmarried by outside ideals.
I look back at my childhood with fond memories of being free and uninhibited. One of my favorite memories is when I would dance in my living room to Shakira. I'd blast her albums and pull out all of my mother's scarves and jewelry and style a look for myself to perform in. My dad has a home video of me dancing around the room, looking like a fool, without a care in the world. The video ends with a close up shot of me posing and smiling with a big gap toothed smile. I love being so free, playful and genuine, and I never want to let that go, no matter how old I get.

Lime pants and deconstructed blouse by Natalie Castro, Bcbg Max Azria wedge