Immersed in Lykke Li

Do you believe that all good art comes from pain?
Art is beauty and pain. We never have one without the other.
How do you feel like you’ve grown or changed since your last album to this one, and where do you feel like you’ve stayed true to the core essence of Lykke Li?
I’m trying my best to constantly grow and change, peeling back layers of the onion. For me the more I grow and evolve the more myself I become. It’s all circular.
What is the core essence of Lykke Li?
A friend once described me as the strongest softest person they know, I feel that’s pretty accurate.
What was the process of making this album like?
I’ve never been more immersed, my studio was in my bedroom so I was breathing, living, dreaming it. I’ve never been as close to my collaborators before either. It was all very meta and every door you would open would lead to another. I will look back at this time as being the most precious time of my career.
Your work, especially here, is so emotional— is it entirely cathartic for you, or is it ever triggering?
It’s completely cathartic, after a journey like this you end up someone else, somewhere else. It’s very spiritual and mystical.
How do you practice self-care— both within the creative process, and personally?
When you are working so intensely on something it’s really the opposite of self care, you don’t sleep, you drink liters of cold brew, sitting down for hours and hours… I’m still super busy with creating the show etc so really the only time of self care is in my bathtub and when I’m meditating.
What, production-wise and musically, do you feel like you’ve done differently with this project?
I opened the door to a completely new landscape and I’m really interested in creating worlds without vocals and just let the synthesizers do the crying.
What is the story or meaning behind the visuals that accompany this album, which were presented at the listening?
It’s a meta love story, a movie within a movie, a play between female fantasy and reality. In a way I'm also trying to showcase the internal, neurological cycle of love that happens hormonally. It’s multidimensional. What you’re seeing is basically my love addiction and the repetition I have been stuck in for most of my career.