An iPhone Roll in Paris
Our hunger for connectivity and exteriorization by means of social media has in many ways resulted in the bisection of the “self” into public and private. The former we curate specifically to satiate the beast that is aesthetic convention, while the latter (the you that exists behind closed doors) is reserved for those in your innermost circle of family and friends.

In his exhibition, Elliot reunited the duo by presenting arguably one of the most intimate, private, and downright damning encapsulations of the self, the camera roll, to the public sphere, as the title of the work suggests.
His roll exhibited a wide array of images, ranging from run-of-the-mill vacation snaps and cropped close-ups to screenshots of memes, demonstrating the fact that really any person, place, or thing can become a mechanism of self-promotion and marketing. Using the Iphone itself as his art object of choice and fully embracing the doctrine “art for art’s sake”, Elliot continues to grapple with the conceptual bounds of the term “promotion”.
For all of our experiences with Ben Elliot— find out all the information on his internet stalker, and hear about his efforts to create an artful version of a commercial water campaign.
- Images courtesy of Ben Elliot