I have a theory that the urge to fuck and the urge to kill are the same urge. Do you think sex and violence are connected? How do they connect in your work?
While we don't think that they are the same urge, there is a strong connection between these urges for some people. In our work, specifically the Padre Patria (Fatherland) series (in which we photographed the sites of hate crimes throughout Peru), the connection between these urges may be evident, possibly stemming from complex issues of guilt and self-hatred. Some of the women in the series were murdered by the “johns” who sought them out for sexual pleasure, but would later kill them after the sex act. Societies and religions that force the oppression of sexual identity, and sexual orientation and expression often create situations where this type of guilt and self-loathing manifests itself into violent behaviors or suicide. Because of this, we wondered whether the assailants hated themselves more than they hated their victims.
What is activism, in your opinion? How do we realistically change this kind of trend, or is that even possible?
Activism is when individuals advocate in support of oppressed and marginalized individuals. Those who are oppressed can be activists themselves, or the activists can be allies, or members of the dominant society who recognize the oppression and want to end it. We absolutely believe that activism can change the trend of hate crimes committed against LGBTQ people in Peru, and it is our intent for this project to support that. Canon is about raising awareness of these marginalized communities, which leads to acceptance, which leads to equality. This is not an easy process, or a fast once, but it starts with activism.