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Meet Chris Zaremba, London Legend and World Champion Fitness Model

Where were you born?


South London, 1956.


Where do you feel most comfortable?


At home cuddling my wife! But outside of the home, my favorite places are my local gym, the steam railway, and my local pubs.


What quality do you think defines you most?


My empathy; I’m able to see issues from the other person’s viewpoint and adjust my attitude accordingly. I’m also organized, and my life revolves around spreadsheets for data and our family diary.


What do you look for in a companion?


Probably the same as the last answer — plus of course shared interests.


What is your biggest weakness?


Chocolate and real ale!

So many people don't realize that their happiness and healthfulness are under their control.

What has surprised you most in life?


So many people don't realize that their happiness and healthfulness are under their control.


What does your perfect day look like?


5k run, breakfast, training a client, lunch in a pub, stretching, admin, weights workout, and dinner with a film on TV with my wife.


What is your favorite color?




Who are your favorite fictional characters?


Jean-Luc Picard, the Tracy family (Thunderbirds), and a few TV detectives.


Who or what is your biggest inspiration?


My first personal trainer — Rob Riches.


What is your favorite food?


Ham, eggs, and chips with a pint of real ale in my local pub.


What quality do you dislike most in someone?


When someone is self-centered, and not considering other people.


What are your earliest memories?


The Cuban Missile Crisis and Great Train Robbery.


What is your biggest luxury?


I only travel business class long-haul.


How do you show someone you love them?


Gifts, kisses, and nice surprises.

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