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Meet John Campbell, The Proud Scot

Where were you born?


London (to Scottish Parents!) and grew up in Glasgow.


Where do you feel most comfortable?


Who’s answer isn’t their bed or a nice soft sofa to sink into?


What quality do you think defines you most?


I’m energetic, fun, funny and assertive.


What do you look for in a companion?


I’m up for anything, adventurous, spontaneous and funny.


What is your biggest weakness?


I can’t remember anyone's names and I’m always disorganized.


What is your biggest strength?


My tenacity.

What has surprised you most in life?


That I’ve not been found out yet!


What does your perfect day look like?


Tennis in the morning, guitar practice in the afternoon, coffee and cake, jogging in the park, sunshine and then scrabble with friends in evening or off to a music gig.


What is your favorite color? 


I’m a simple person: brash, and primary colors.


Who is your favorite fictional character?


Wile E Coyote.


What is your favorite food?


Growing up poor in Glasgow meant food wasn’t really a matter of choice and the food my Mother ate was grim! However I’d be happy now with a bowl of tapioca pudding.


What quality do you dislike most in someone?


Being a Tory.


What is your earliest memory?


Walking down the street, aged 3 with my mother to buy a toy car. Shortly after this I was taken away from my mother to live with my aunts.


What is your biggest luxury?


My new £40,000 Campervan.


How do you show someone you love them?


A cup of tea in the morning and fixing things. My wife says my love language is fixing little things around the house to make her life easier as she can be quite clumsy.


What is your biggest achievement?


Staying out of prison, I reckon. I left school with no qualifications but went in to get a maths degree. So I believe everything comes back to when I turned my life around at 19 years old and decided to go back to school.


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