The Metamorphosis of Nadia Cohen
Each photographic portrait is paired with a still-life portrait in parts. Like the contents of the character's desk drawer, glove compartment, or handbag. There is a short text, a little dialogue, for each of the manifested personas, one of the characters, Faith Healer Julie’s text reads like this; “It’s the ones I couldn’t help that haunt me. I can’t give any names. I can’t talk about...him. Not for legal reasons and not personal, emotional reasons. I could talk about him as an animal perhaps. He a squirrel with a nut allergy. And I saw him storing up those nuts for winter...and I knew that even one would be enough...and he had so many.”
HELLO, my name is... is a big hardback cloth-covered megabook with texts by Martin Parr and Paul Reubens and published in this first edition of 1,000 copies. That is not a lot of livres, admittedly, but, for a tight-knit group of hardcore Nadia fans, it will be something to savor. The one thing you will all have in common is your ownership of this book.
Check out some of the images below.