My Kid Could Do That

With the goal of giving youth a space to unleash their creativity, the exhibition and event will raise funds for the organization to continue its commitment to providing free, high-quality art classes for children in public libraries nationwide. My Kid Could Do That features childhood works by renowned contemporary artists including Daniel Arsham, KAWS, Marco Brambilla, Sarah Cain, Seth Cameron, Nate Lowman, Kevin Claiborne, Oliver Clegg, Dan Colen, Austin Eddy, Amy Globus, Devin B. Johnson, LeRoy Neiman, Jen Stark, and Darryl Westly.
By showcasing childhood works by these renowned artists, ProjectArt is elevating the crucial role arts education plays in developing a young creative potential. Without giving them the proper tools to succeed, we risk passing by our next artistic greats who never got the chance.
“There are over 4 million kids in elementary schools in the U.S. that don’t receive any arts education,” ProjectArt founder and executive director Adarsh Alphons said. “We realized libraries are the best distribution systems because, unlike a museum, they’re decentralized with branches in every community and it’s free — anybody can walk through the doors.”
In addition to the exhibition, the ProjectArt Gala will feature passed bites and cocktails provided by Bulleit Frontier Whiskey, BODY Vodka, Hampton Water Rose, and JuneShine, among others. The lively after party will feature music by DJ Trevor McFedries.