New Face of 2021

Discussing what this particular shoot stirred in each artists, office had the opportunity to chat with them both. Cyzyzk and Lu bring exciting takes on what their respective jobs entail, the first meeting of model and photographer, and hopes for the future, below.

A photographer that has found her muse. Could y’all explain how you two found each other? What was the initial reaction each of you had regarding the work you both have created individually?
Natalie Czyzyk—I was in contact before Christmas time with a few modeling agencies to get options to shoot this story. I felt that most of the agencies offer me a more generic look, and because I have created this story inspired by my everyday surrounding, I need to photograph someone who has a story to tell except being a model. I started doing my casting through Instagram and came across Symone’s page. I felt intrigued immediately by the energy that Symone brings in her images. She seems secure and comfortable with who she is.
Symone Lu—I think this project was the perfect balance of energies showcasing strength and vulnerability in the subtlety of these photos’ details.
These pictures have an intimacy about them, possibly because it is solely Symone in focus and contains minor background elements. How would you both describe the process of this photoshoot?
NC—This photoshoot process was personal as I was inspired by my everyday actions, like wearing my pajamas all day, washing my bras, or putting my best look just to go to the bodega around the corner. I was feeling alive through small activities, showing that there is beauty always surrounding us.
SL—The process of this photoshoot was extremely organic. Nothing felt forced, and everything was extremely natural. The poses and still life moments captured truly highlight me in one of my more vulnerable sides.

Symone, did you find it any more personal than the plethora of shoots you have partaken in? If so, what did you mentally tap into to place yourself to capture that vulnerable essence?
SL—I feel like I’m at a beautiful point of success and understanding; I’m extremely aware of life as it continues, I always have more to learn.
Does the idea of changing fashion’s trajectory scare or thrill you?
SL—It’s a lot to take in, especially being a young woman of color living in America right now. I feel a lot of pressure because I know many people are looking at what I do think and say, so I can feel invasive sometimes as an artist looking for new inspirations from life. But the more I experience, the more people work with that I’ve inspired, the lessons learned all remind me to keep going on the right path and remain focused.

According to Natalie, a big inspiration was Corinne Day’s piece, “Under-exposure,” which used Kate Moss as the physical subject. Some of the poses and the rawness directly correlate. Why did this particular series of Day’s inspire you, Natalie? What do you think Day saw in Moss that you have found comparable in Lu?
NC—What’s inspired me the most about Day’s series was its minimalistic and natural approach. The shoot doesn’t take place in a special location with crazy styling or make-up. Just Kate in her natural surrounding, a situation that is so hard for some of us to be accustomed to during this Covid time. It’s about finding the beauty again in the simple things. That is what I see in Symone; her natural look is enough to tell a whole story.
With the times being as unpredictable as ever, what do both of you hope to squeeze out of this notorious 21st year? What departing wisdom can I get from the both of you for the people reading?
NC—This year, I would like to experiment as much as possible with my creative process. Everything we knew is completely different, and there are no more rules for what is right or wrong. I think that this is the year we all need to realize that we must believe in our way and practice positive thinking as individuals.
SL—After all the ups and downs of this year, my main advice for myself has been to reserve my mind for those who understand my vision while continuing to focus on learning to communicate my love for life through all ways artistically in an effective manner.