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New York Magic

Her works featured in her book "SEPT. 2020 NYC” is available for viewing at 'NowHere New York' through October. 

This project was your first documentary photography, I believe. Did it change your perspectives towards photography, and if so, how?


At first, I was scared even to ask people to take photos since I usually photo-shoot professional models. Most of them on the street were friendly and willing to be in pictures, but some got enraged, some asked me money, a guy threw me a middle finger(laughs.) After around two weeks passed, I realized that I was absorbing something I’d never perceived before from the objects through my lens–, emotions, thoughts, and characteristics. I figured that was one of the most significant differences compared to fashion/commercial photo shootings. I can get to know them. I can get to see the community and culture deeper. That was the big part for me in documentary photography, and I found myself getting into it.


What did you see when you were capturing the streets in New York City?


Honesty. New Yorkers really know how to enjoy their lives no matter what circumstances they are going through–they always try to make the best out of it. People here are very honest to their desires, and they somehow satisfy themselves. 



Tell me a  story you would like to share with us from this whole project.  I was looking for a cover girl that I shot in Brooklyn, and my friend and I printed 25 copies of her posters and put them on the streets everywhere. One day her friend saw the poster and reached out to me, “Hey, this is the girl!” and you know what? She is my best friend now. 

That is quite a cliché but lovely story, isn’t it?


This kind of experience is what I have never encountered before by shooting models. I was very pleased to meet her, and after living in New York City for five years, I finally befriended a real New Yorker. She invited me to her photo exhibition and family gathering. 2020 was the year that I eventually touched the deep side of American culture, ironically. And now, after publishing my first documentary photobooks in New York, I want to get to know more and more about New York, its people, and its culture. I love New York so much, and this city is magic.    

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