This story is that of Joe Strummer and his relationship with running. All appearances aside, the punk rocker took running quite seriously, despite joking that his biggest temptation would be "to run into a pub along the route." In reality, Strummer trained intensely for the marathon, even giving up alcohol in preparation, and finished the race in order to raise money for a leukemia-research foundation.
This collection is an ode to Strummer, who said, "I like the madness of getting up and running all those miles on a Sunday morning, when normally I would be fast asleep in bed." He proved that a punk rock lifestyle is anything but limiting, and that running can be a productive part of it— providing another creative space for the participant, time "to think without being bothered," as Strummer said.
For the collection, Joe and the punk rock movement serve as the main inspiration. One can see (and wear) Rapport’s cheeky images of Strummer on certain pieces, as well as notice provocative punk-themed textures and patterns on others.
The campaign features marathoner Jordan Marie Daniel, artist Tayler Ayers and cannabis athlete Thai Richards.