PREMIERE: Pasto Flocco is Prepared for the Apocalypse
Telling the story of his steady rise, leaving behind life as an AAU-ranked basketball player to pursue more creative endeavors, “Disturbing the Peace,” bridges the lyrical storytelling of old school, with the humor, energy, and delivery of the streaming era.
Today, Flocco released the first video off the album “EMO.” Created by MOSHPXT, the video places Flocco against the backdrop of his city. Taking an elevator down sparking with dynamic illustrations and flashing lights to the roof, prooving that the 17-year-old alien abductee is not beholden to the same laws of physics as the rest of us here on earth.
Check out office's exclusive interview with the rapper below.
You’re a part of the self-described post-apocalyptic rap group SURF GANG. How did you meet the crew, and what role have they played in finding your sound?
When I was 15, my engineer I started with, shout-out Nick Blastoff, pointed out to my managers that I would sound crazy on their beats, then next session I met Caspr and we made a few tracks and then once me Giane, Polo, Harrison, Eera, Skrap and Moh met, its been up ever since.
What kind of apocalypse are you prepared for?
What would you do during the purge? How are you disturbing the peace?
I’ll just go to the highest building possible that cant be blown down and just snipe and chill from up there. I'll def have security cameras and traps everywhere so I’m really alone.
What’s your weapon of choice?
9mm extended clip for sure. No questions asked.
If you can only bring three things with you to the apocalypse, what are you bringing?
Trollies, my weed, my Martinelli's.

What’s something you want to do before the world ends?
Smoking in outer space or performing there.
Which song off of "Disturbing the Peace" would you perform in outer space?
The real question is what song would I not perform? Cause, I’m performing them all. But yeah, for the planet it would just be one that I find! On top of that, I don’t want it to be a planet that someone else has named. I’m naming my own planet. I don’t mess with too many heads. Only people invited is gang, J6, Sean, my Mom my Grandma, and y’all too.
"NBA80s" references your come-up as an AAU-ranked basketball player. What spurred your switch to music?
It's really on some, are you about to make it big and still have to listen to a motherfucker and have practice, or are you going to run it up and have fun throughout the process? I got tired of 5:30 a.m. beach workouts and shit since I was 11 to 15 years old. I just lost the love for it so I followed my true passion.
How do you make sure you stay on your terms and keep having fun as you gain success in the music industry?
I just stay living by my own rules and people whom I trust. Everyone wants to try and have you do things that they would do based off how they think you reach something that they haven’t accomplished yet but ide rather just find out myself. That’s the best way to learn. We living a Ghetto Luxury.