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Inside Harmony Korine's EDGLRD Party at Elsewhere

We got some input from partygoers — some anonymous, some less so. 


Anonymous — The film was like a three-hour-long trailer for GTA 6. 


Anonymous 2 — We’ll call tonight, “Harmony Korine’s goon cave.” 


Aidan I came here kind of old-new to New York, and I haven’t lived here in eight years, but I’m here again and this is the most cracked-out shit I’ve ever been to.


office — In a good way or a bad way? 


Aidan — Always good. 


Claire It’s a rare evening that you find yourself the perfect amount of drunk to be in the space that you’re in, but I happened to experience that tonight, so for me, it’s pure Nirvana. But they stopped playing "All Star" mid-song. That was upsetting. But at one point in the evening, a rogue, brave woman got herself on stage and took her titties out.


Girl with her tits out — This is the future of cinema.


Tyler — The last time I partied at Elsewhere was 2018. Harmony Korine brought New York back.

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