Pure Heart Sessions with Wendy

WENDY TIVIDAD — [Glassy-eyed, gazing slightly off-screen] Where’s your mom? I like your mom.
NICOLAIA RIPS — She’s in the Chelsea Hotel.
WT — What’s her first name?
NR — Sheila.
WT — She needs to have a conversation, get things off her chest. It’s good for her. I don’t know if she’s been kind of blocked lately… What’s your grandma’s first name?
NR — Rosalie.
WT — Where is she?
NR — She’s dead.
WT — Your grandma’s still alive. She’s like a fireball on the other side. She’s a lot of energy. I would not say she’s dead. There’s so much energy with your grandma. When did your grandma leave, honey?
NR — Years ago now, six or something?
WT — Do you ever feel your grandma around? Do you ever feel like you’re getting messages from her? Maybe you should ask your mom if she senses her at times. [Your grandmother’s] energy is a really strong no-nonsense energy... I feel like your mom is kind of coming into her own right now. It sounds funny, because she’s older. But she’s finding herself. Sometimes you’re the mom though. [She squints] You… feel like you have a whole bunch of spiritual growth going on. You could be trying to figure out yourself, you feel like you’ve been walking on different paths, trying to figure out which path to go on. Did you ever do anything with filmmaking in the past? [I nod]
Because you feel like a filmmaker to me. Are you developing a script right now? I’m seeing a lot of scripts for you. And almost like you’re supposed to be storytelling and telling stories…
I love your grandma. I don’t know why she keeps coming in. But she’s almost trying to say hello, or let everyone know, she’s still alive. She may be helping you on the other side. Maybe things she couldn’t do here. She can help you energetically now… You have a lot of stuff with writing and storytelling and you feel like you’re a storyteller. You also feel like… I don’t know if you’ve directed in the past. But there’s something with you directing in the future.
You have a lot of “you can do it” energy. Like you’re honestly incredible. If you don’t know, it’s almost like you can do anything you set your mind to, any creative path you want to be on. I feel like there’s a script. I don’t know if you’ve sold it yet, but it feels like it could sell pretty soon. It almost feels like something you’ve been putting together or working on, maybe for a little while. This year could be the year that it happens. Because I almost feel like it’s been brewing for some time. Does this make sense? Also, do you have a godparent or something?
NR — Her name is Paulina. She’s a model.
WT — Yeah, she’s gorgeous. She’s gorgeous. Did you do anything about her? This is so random. Your godmother is this beautiful woman and it feels like you could be doing a story or something about her or filming her. I almost feel like you’re supposed to tell this story about your godmother and let people know about her in more detail. You have a lot of things with giving women a voice, like there’s something with you really connected to the feminine. It’s very powerful. It’s the kind of thing that you could get acknowledged, you can get awards. You have a lot of stuff with awards and stuff with film. This is the work you’re meant to be doing. You are really good at directing also. There’s a lot of projects for you right now you almost feel like you have so many things you have to juggle. You’re writing for a lot of different people too. Okay, did you fall in love? It feels like you’re in love. What’s the first name?
NR — Ben.
WT — Where is he? Is he there?
NR — No.
WT — Where is he?
NR — Brooklyn?
WT — Oh, where are you?
NR — Soho?
WT — Okay, being there is in New York. (Not dead, he’s just in Bed-Stuy) He’s got a very determined energy when he wants something. He has to keep his energy up though. Sometimes he gets kind of depressed about things. Does he take vitamins? He needs vitamin D.
NR — He doesn’t take vitamins.
WT — He matches the weather. He’ll feel better when he is taking vitamin D. He’s very funny though. I like him a lot. I think he’s a riot! And… he needs to eat better, he needs… there’s something with his diet that I’m like, “What in the world are you eating?” Like, you can do better than this, you’re a grown up stop acting like you’re 10. But he’s really cute. There’s something sensitive with his ears, he has sensitive ears. I think he’s adorable… I feel like you’re learning to balance yourself. It’s helpful if you meditate. Sometimes you need something to center you, you can get a little bit overwhelmed. And I feel like meditation is really, really helpful. But you also feel like you need to make some plans, like literally on paper for what you want to accomplish this year. I feel like you need to start sketching what you want your year to look like, because things are happening really quickly for you. You know that right? Did you ever act? Have you thought about doing anything with that again?
NR — Yes.
WT — It feels like you’re going to do something with that. You have a lot of talents in this area that you haven’t been working on. There’s all these different things going on, it feels like you need to sit down and, you’re not even just writing on a paper, you need something like a whiteboard, something you can look at and plan and organize the goals you have for this year. I feel like performing this year could be top of your list of things you want to add to your life. It brings you a lot of joy.
You’ve kind of put yourself in the backseat, which is funny, because you’re a Leo. (I am) And that’s not a Leo trait. But you kind of put yourself in the backseat. And it’s like this year, I’m going to put myself in the front seat. I’m going to do things where I can shine my light. I really like this for you. I feel like you’re putting together something to perform. There’s a lot of stuff towards the end of the year.
The end of the year feels more expansive, not that there’s anything wrong with where you are now. It just feels like you’re doing a lot more of the things that you want to be doing. You’re prioritizing your time better. And it starts around September. You kind of feel like you have to put yourself first, is what I’m being shown. Does this make sense? Isn’t it fun?
NR — [Overwhelmed ] Yes.

WT — You could be interviewing people more, doing documentary style. I don’t know if you’ve been writing something like that, but it feels like you could be putting something together in that way. That could be like a really big success. Like, very, very, like, you know, goosebumps successful. And I feel like there’s something with that coming up in the future in the next few years. Have you started putting that project together yet? Feels like you have?
NR — Yes, I have.
WT — What’s it called?
NR — It’s called [redacted].
WT — You’ll interview people and ask them about different things. You like to interact with people. You could find really quirky people and unique situations. I feel like you could sell this show. To Netflix. (Netflix exec if you’re reading this…) I feel like you know the right people. You can get in the door. You just need to reach out and say “I want to do this” and it’s gonna come together.
You’re also working more on your follow through, like getting things done in a timely way. You procrastinate but you almost feel like, “I’m not going to be that person anymore. I’m changing. I’m growing up. I’m going to finish this.” I’m telling you, I’ve got goosebumps about this stuff. You’re not going to just have one show, honey, you’re gonna have a few shows, I’m telling you, a few. Because there’s so much light, there’s so much energy coming in, that’s helping you, you’re being given opportunities that are unique and unusual. It’s like… it’s like having lucky stars on your shoulders. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s like, you’re very lucky, you’re very blessed. So good, honey. I’m happy for you. I think eventually, you’ll probably be doing feature films. There’s a lot of stuff with feature films in the future with you. It’s really fun, your career is very interesting to me. It feels exciting. It feels like there’s a lot of different avenues that you can take. It’s not like you can take the wrong path. Just… you need to finish forming the ideas and then do it and then sell them or produce them.
You might start a production company. I almost feel like you’re doing it with one of your friends. Your career path is very like, starlet, and very open. Stop worrying so much! The key is to write it down and to follow through sweetheart. It’s almost like “I need to fully believe in myself and start it and finish it” and every time that you finish something you need to be like “I did a great job.” I’d say that to yourself. I think there’s been projects in the past where you have not completed them. Does it make sense? That’s what I’m being shown.
Well, that’s all we’ll do for today. Thank you for letting me read for you. Thank you for your light. Your beautiful heart. I now close the session. [Wendy closes her eyes] What belongs to you, belongs to you. What belongs to me, belongs to me. You are very blessed.
NR — You’re amazing. I was really nervous to do this.

WT — Really, oh, it’s so fun. You’ll want to do it all the time. Everyone says I feel so seen. I’ve never felt so seen in my life.
NR — I was nervous about finding out things. What was your first experience with the otherworld?
WT — I’ve always been intuitive. I always said I was a good guesser. Harmony’s friends would get in the car and I would know their birthdays or what sign they were. I would just know, but I never thought anything about psychic abilities too much.
Then I had my awakening in 2013. It was connected to my heart being broken into a million pieces. I was vibrating. I began that night to do deep trance channeling. It was very bizarre for me though. All of a sudden, I’m channeling. I was kind of like, what am I talking about? But I said to myself that if it was just my imagination, it’s okay, because I’ve made my living off my imagination. So I didn’t get myself stressed about it. I just accepted what was happening, I didn’t judge myself, which we tend to do.
When things like this happen, we get into a loop of criticizing ourselves. I was like, “I don’t know what this is,” but if it’s just my imagination, it’s okay. In the beginning I would touch someone’s hand to see stuff. Then COVID happened and I realized I didn’t have to touch their hand. Harmony was on tour and she was always asking me to read for her. “I would say I can’t, I need to touch your hand.” She’s like, “No, you don’t.” And she was right. So now, I read for people everywhere. I teach an intuition class because I believe you don’t have to have a full kundalini awakening to tap into these gifts. I always say there’s a field of information around everyone, and we’re all connected, and we all have the ability to tap into that oneness. I believe that’s our natural ability. If you were being chased by a wild animal in the jungle, and there was someone close by you would use your senses.
For me, my work is about compassion. I love people and I want to help people. I do my best to keep myself in that state of pure love for all beings as much as possible. Sometimes it can be a burden because you want to help so many people and you only have so much time but I think that we’re all intuitive. When I’m reading for someone, I will say I’m formless. I’m “you” now. That means I’m feeling what that person’s feeling. And what’s so healing about it is that someone doesn’t feel they have to carry [a painful situation] by themselves anymore. I’m kind of processing their pain with them.
NR — Are you able to do readings for yourself?
WT — Not in this state, the only time I’ve ever done readings for myself is in a deep trance state. I haven’t done those in years, because I’m reading all the time for people.
NR — What were you doing before this?
WT — I’m an artist and a writer. That’s what I was doing before everything changed. I was licensing my art around the world. I started in the greeting card industry when I was 24. I would write funny things and draw funny things. I loved it.
NR — That’s a little bit psychic, because you have to know what’s going to appeal to a broad number of people.
WT — Yes, it’s so true. I was very good at that. I had the number one love card for so many years.
NR — Most of the time when you’re reading for people, are they coming to you because something has happened and they want clarity or they’re just looking for direction.
WT — It’s very different. Every reading is different. I mean, look at what we just talked about, you know, I don’t think I’ve ever said to somebody “Who is your godmother?” I don’t think that’s ever come up in any reading.
NR — How do you protect your energy?
WT — I think that you have to have set your intention spiritually, to have a focal point of what is acceptable. I’m putting myself in a very vulnerable space in deep trance. I have very strong spiritual boundaries with what’s okay. I think you have to have a lot of integrity with yourself and with the energy of the world. I’m not going to perceive anything that’s not up to the light.
NR — That was amazing, Wendy. Thank you.
WT — You’re welcome, honey.
Purchase issue 21 here.