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office Gets Drained

On a snowy Monday night in March, the underbelly of Boston’s subcultures came together to see their favorite Swedes. Donning camo prints, full suits, and lots of faux furs, every attendee was an RPG protagonist.


Drain Gang’s following, known as “drainers” are best characterized as the seventh-grade Minecraft kid who got cute and vapes now and are recognizable by their unique fashion sense, irony-steeped sense of humor, and disaffected demeanor. A rough amalgam of horse-girls-turned-hot-girls, gamers, and skaters, “drainers” make up the devoted fans of the internet’s boy band (with Bladee as a self-proclaimed Directioner).


Unlike boybands of the past, Drain Gang builds a world around their music–from coveted merch design to discord channels–while maintaining an air of anonymity to create one of the last standing subcultures of the commodified online landscape. The concert itself embodied this sentiment. On a dimly lit stage, Drain Gang members were near indistinguishable from one another, catching glimpses of their gelled hair and eyes lined with black liner for brief moments in the spot(or strobe) light. Rather than putting on a highly curated, spectacle of performance, their energies were directed towards engaging the crowd. 


The crowd, who willingly surrendered all sense of bodily autonomy and preservation, was a cacophony of head-against-elbow, hair-in-mouth,  yelling-in-ear-from-all-directions. On the periphery of the pit stood the occasional open-mouthed tweaker blissfully absorbing the cloud of sweat, tears and spit wafting off the bodies in the mosh. 


Through fan-favorites like “Be Nice 2 Me” and obscure cross-overs like Justin Beiber and The KID LAROI's STAY x Vanilla Sky the energy never waned, but was intensified by each layer of experienced shared across attendees and each unidentifiable bodily fluids showered down from the stage.


Within an established set of aesthetics, language and markers of belonging, it’s this connective tissue between Drain Gang and their loyal drainers that makes their following so unique. For a group characterized as “chronically online” the night was decidedly analog. With hardly a phone in sight (and if you could hold on to it through the toss and turn of the pit, you earned it), the unforgettable performance will be remembered, rather in the aches and pains sure to take hold and the phantom limb felt behind in the lost wigs, shoes, and personal belongings strewn across the post-show floor.

Much like drainers themselves, each forgotten item carried the unique memory of its own identity while taking on a disjunct, Frankenstein-like persona, larger than the individual, yet not quite human enough to be whole.


For a glimpse into the group-think, we asked drainers a few questions.

Attendee Polls: 

Who is your favorite Drain Gang Member? 


Bladee: 4

Ecco2k: 5

Thaiboy Digital: 2

Whitearmor: 1

Refused to pick a side, "#1Team": 1 

Other(incl. gay guy & Ivanka Trump): 2

Misheard the question as "what is your favorite number": 2

        Their favorite numbers were 14 and 8.


Is Bladee pronounced "blade" or "blade-E"?


Blade: 5

Blade-E: 3

Blade, but Blade-E is funnier: 3





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