Office London Part 2

Listen, learn, and look— because, as declared by Walter Besant on his deathbed, in 1901, "I've been walking about London for the last thirty years, and I find something fresh in it every day."

William Farr, Artist
Where do you work best?
I like to work in my studio, often late at night. I find it is a calming space. It sounds like an obvious thing for an artist to say but I feel that my studio is my sanctuary – I can make so much mess in there. I’m an extroverted person so its always nice to have someone else around, and working with others creates a better energy. But it’s always a struggle; it brings out a lot of conflict within myself. Making work unbinds any negativity or anger within me, channeling it into the construction of beautiful images.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative, for me, is the making of a visual language that has many meanings. When I was young I created worlds in my minds eye. I was always trying to express the images, the colours, the spaces I saw around and inside me, images that felt so vital. I still do. Now, I want my pieces to be part of people’s lives: on their walls, on their clothes. I believe that being creative is about who you are as a person and how you develop this visually. Now I have the opportunity to communicate different scenarios, ideas, wonderlands, making these real and accessible to an audience.

Wilson Oryema, Artist
Where do you work best?
I work best anywhere I feel comfortable. That could be at home, on trains, in the park, at the agency— Storm. Or really, anywhere I feel relaxed.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative is being able to create, or make the most out of my situation.

Rina Sawayama, Singer, Model
Where do you work best?
I work best in the shower— luckily my new phone is waterproof so I can record memos there.
What is being creative to you?
Being creative is catharsis.

James Spencer, Artist
Where do you work best?
When in complete solitude. Generally I seem to do my best work very late at night by candle light. Pretentious I know, but true.
What is being creative to you?
I guess you could say for me, it’s a sense of relief. To express one’s self in a way that can’t be prevailed in normally society. When thoughts and feelings are unexplainable in words I pick up my pencil and begin to draw.