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office people: Sonny Molina

[Originally published in office magazine Issue 20, Fall-Winter 2023. Order your copy here.]


What is your ideal office?


Somewhere overlooking Manhattan … with plenty of space and light. 


If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and what would you do?


Probably some gross billionaire and literally fund all my friends’ dreams immediately!


What era most inspires you?


There is truly something special about every era … but I do love the 70’s.


Who was the last person you hugged, and how did it feel?


My partner Coco, it felt tender.


For you, what is the most sacred place in New York?


As cliche as it sounds, anywhere my friends are! 


What does play look like to you?


Blissful with no boundaries. 


If you were a hair tool or product, what would you be?


I would be a classic mixed-bristle hairbrush.


What is your favorite texture at the moment?


I'm obsessed with patina … as a texture and color. 


Who was the last person to make you laugh?


My dog Kiki. Yes, he’s more of a person than a dog.


How do you win in a fight?


Listen, process, reciprocate. 


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