Oh, Izzy

Ahead of his feature in office issue 12, we sat down with Izzy to talk about his budding music career, spanking boys, and more.
Tell me a bit about yourself—who are you? What do you do?
Whats up! I’m Izzy and I’m a gay black jew. I do what I want to do and I get paid for it.
What’s the main thing you’re discovering about yourself during quarantine?
I can go long amounts of time without sexual contact. I’ve also cured my writer’s block.
How do you think art will be affected by this self-isolation period? What about humankind as a whole?
Art will continue to evolve. People are bored as fuck and have nothing else to do. As a whole, I think people will appreciate community a lot more and cleanliness will become a new trend. That's hot.

What are you addicted to right now?
I’ve been heavily addicted to Fronto + weed, Twitter porn and Gregg Araki films.
Give us a three step guide to making a fire Instagram pic.
I'm always trying to tell a story in my IG pics, pulling my followers into my world. Step 1: BE IN THE LOOK (Whatever it is. Naked or not, eat the look). Step 2: Environment/props add to the story. Make everything around you a part of the moment and if your immediate environment ain't it, create the environment. STEP 3: Caption is most important and how you’re interacting with your followers. I like to say shit that confuses people or seduces them.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Come and find out.
What’s the coolest fetish?
I just like spanking boys in sexy underwear I put them in. It’s all a part of my personal collection.
What song is in your head right now?
If you were to identify with any cartoon character, who would it be and why?
Gangstalicious from The Boondocks, ain't it obvious?
How would people describe you upon meeting you?
Mysterious.. I don’t really know.. I don’t care really.
What’s your favorite rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself?
Whenever someone says I’m "talking to so and so” and I’m not. I’m single.

Favorite mode of transportation?
Private plane.
Who is your favorite straight man? Why?
I would say my older brother Justin is my favorite straight man. When I came out of the closet and everyone turned on me, he opened his doors to me and had my back through everything even though we grew up whooping each other's asses.
What are you working on right now? What can we expect from the world of Izzy in the coming months?
I’m focused mainly on music at the moment. I’m pivoting from casting to internal relations for a multimedia company that will be launching this year. My passion at the moment, though, is my solo music project. P.S. My photobook of intimate moments is coming Holiday 2020.