[Originally published in office magazine Issue 20, Fall-Winter 2023. Order your copy here]
What is your ideal office?
I love a live-work studio. Waking up to an instant reminder of what you didn’t finish yesterday. It really scratches that Irish-Catholic Guilt work ethic itch. Lol.
How often do you check your phone?
Way too much. I am making a concentrated effort to reduce my phone time.
Which artist, alive or dead, would be your dream collaborator?
The people who invented the CrunchWrap Supreme.
How did you get into art?
Drawing. I drew a lot of monsters as a kid. Full-page character studies with notes about their abilities.
What's the most memorable dream you've ever had, and did it impact your waking life?
I had a dream where I was in a pitch-black room, but I could hear the smell, and feel a giant engine roaring in space. I woke up talking in my sleep saying, “Like an engine in the dark.” This led me to paint my first “flier painting” which was titled Like an Engine in the Dark. This initial concept was to create a visual language that suggested a larger event or experience, where much like the sensory cues of the engine in the dark the viewer was only provided with a small peek into that world through the hand-painted flier. This set me on a path of visually and conceptually exploring the language of communication. This obsession, which has lasted over a decade, pushed me to a place where I started taking my art practice much more seriously.
What does play look like to you?
I have been lucky enough to develop an art practice that I really enjoy, so my work is wrapped up in play. But my total full mind and body ‘play’ is when I’m with my kids. Having kids has worked wonders for my perspective and professional practices.
When was the last time you took a break?
Sleep is the cousin of Death.
What’s the last item you lost?
Probably something I haven’t realized I lost yet.
Is there anything you’re trying to lose?
I haven’t smoked a cigarette in over a decade but still dream about them and have daily cravings.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Who was the last person you hugged, and how did it feel?
My daughter. It’s the best feeling in the world. She’s 1 and she loves me!
What’s next on your reading list?
I try to alternate between Sci-Fi (Orson Scott Card and Octavia E. Butler) and Art History stuff. I really enjoy Science fiction; it’s like junk food, but I get more mentally from the art history stuff. Right now I’m reading 33 Artists in 3 Acts by Sarah Thornton. It's pretty interesting, but the next book I am going to read is HELL DIVERS. It’s about a post-apocalyptic sky diving reconnaissance team.