Robert Nava's Secret Friends

Cover image—Castle Clown, 2020
Remaining in the present while fulfilling the process and privilege to be recognized as a modern-day master of his craft, it is the echo of his work (paintings/sculptures) that will prove this to be true.
What’s a normal day for Robert Nava?
I wake up, feed my cat, shower and get ready. Then usually I will get coffee/draw/find music simultaneously... From there, I take it to the studio and get the energy going there.
Can you give us a list of names of other artists that you find interesting?
There are so many that I love, but definitely ancient art.

Left—Untitled, 2020; Right—Waterfall Walk, 2020
What’s an important memory that led to this present obligation as a great painter?
My memory would go as far back as making drawings as a kid. My mom would always bring stacks of computer paper home from her work in Chicago; and there would always be crayons and pencils around to just draw.
Do you follow a code of ethics in what you create?
I’d like for the pieces to be able to talk back with me, reaching something sublime and metaphysical hopefully. When a work is finished I cannot make another move on it.
What is the symbolism of the angel, shark, and clown in past paintings?
I would say they behave more like an alphabet for me. They exist pretty bluntly and are what they are, but their coexistence in the same space make them kind of a new myth. Sometimes I have to make the shark more angelic to rid the notion of monster… so it will need the angel halo. Clowns are often in that same back in forth vein of love and hate.
What are your present goals as a recognized contributor to contemporary art?
Looking to have my work in more museums, maybe universities, anywhere in the public sphere. I’d like to go larger scale actually.

Left—Bubble Mouth, 2019; Right—Untitled, 2020
Does the business aspect of managing where your paintings go get in the way of your studio process?
I really try to keep everything separated. When I work, I'm trying to get in the zone and leave that business part behind. Thankful to have help from galleries to work with more of the business.
Even though your paintings are two-dimensional, and some of them seem to become three-dimensional as the motifs appear to be capable of flying off the canvas, can we look forward to a body of sculptures from you in the future?
Yes, absolutely! I’m really looking forward to making some of these come to life in the realm of 3D, it will add an aspect I'm excited about and have been toying with in my mind.
What do you think will be Robert Nava’s greatest contribution to contemporary art?
Just to keep making things for the rest of my life, hoping to be impactful in any way with my work, and leave something behind when I’m gone.