Second Skin

In this shoot, captured by Anna Bloda, Gryphyn is seen in their natural state. With a bold black leather jacket and black briefs to match, this shoot gives us a peek into the person as well as the artist.
When asked if they want to be remembered for their contributions to the costuming world, Hall is moved yet not driven by the idea. “When people appreciate my work my heart sings, but at the same time I’ve never been one to box myself in,” Hall says. "There is no one thing I want to be remembered for. Life is so much more than what you do or what you make, it’s the people around you and the things we all build together.”
Interpreting their world and having people appreciate their talent is more important to them than leaving a “mark” per se. “I also love creating worlds and characters, the art of transformation is extremely inspiring to me,” Hall said. “I just want people to get a glimpse of how I see the world, the beauty and the ugly.”