Shh, Whitney Peak is About to Blow Up

Is the last name Peak all that fitting? Not quite yet for Whitney, but damn, she sure does have a soaring trajectory.

How did you get started in show business, or more specifically, acting?
Well, it was all kind of a big luck story. I did a Disney audition that I heard off the radio and it turned out to be a scam. Through that I went into background acting. While I was doing background, I got cast to play the younger version of the lead of the show I was doing background on. And then the man, Connor Lawrence, who played my dad on that show referred me to my now agency. I did a take and then got my agent.
So now we go from that humble beginning and fast forward to present-day where you’ve had a lot of recent success. I’m sure you’ve become very busy, so how do you practice self-care?
So, generally self-care looks like taking a step back, you know, to listen to your mind and to your body and spirit, just so you can activate the benefits of all wellbeing. For me, self-care just really looks like chilling, not having anything to do. Skin care. I know skin care is such a big, big part of self-care for me. It’s just so like, soothing? Just having a super chill, calm environment and being totally at ease.
How have you been keeping busy during quarantine?
Well, school’s been keeping me pretty busy. School, working out, reading, watching TV, Netflix, sleeping a lot too.
Yeah, that sounds very relatable. I’m sure lately you’ve been achieving a lot of your goals. What’s something that you want to achieve in the near future?
Well first I want to finish high school. That’s something very important for me to do. After that, I would buy my mom a house. That’s something I’ve been really, really itching to do, but that’s more of a long-term thing. The nearest goal that I have for myself would probably be to finish high school with good grades.
Yeah, well you’re almost there! You’ve only got a year left! So close! What’s a piece of advice you wish you had two years ago?
Actually, my acting teacher said this thing all the time. He said, "It’s not about you.” That’s probably the greatest piece of advice that I’ve learned and that I wish I knew a long time ago. It’s like in conversations and in arguments and stuff, most cases, the other person is going through something else that’s making them act in that way. It’s not really about you, it’s about doing justice to how they’re feeling. It’s the same in acting really. If you make it about you, then you’re not doing justice to the character they’re portraying, you know? It’s about their stories, their truth and their being and I think once you start making it about you, you lose the audience’s interest. It’s being really present in any moment and being out of your own head. It’s about making the person you’re talking to feel really heard and listened to and like you’re there with them. I think it’s really important in taking yourself out of the equation.
Yeah, that’s great advice. So Gossip Girl is a very big project for you, how does it feel to be waiting for the public to experience it at the same level you are now?
Oh my gosh. I don’t think I have experienced it, you know what I’m saying? It hasn’t really hit me yet. It doesn’t feel very real. I’m nervous to come and take it on and see how the audience takes it. More importantly, I’m excited. I’m excited to take on the challenge. I’m so, so eager to meet and work with the cast and crew and the material. Just this whole experience—just take it in. It’s not really something you can prepare for.
What’s something you’re watching right now?
I just started Good Time with Robert Pattinson.
What’s an album you’d recommend?
Oh, oh, OH! OnePointFive by Aminé, or anything by Erykah Badu, or Nina Simone… it’s amazing.
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you do first?
You know like in the Jungle Book, I would probably try to make homies with some animals.
Modern day Mowgli!
Yeah, exactly, and just kind of travel.

What’s your favorite designer or label?
I really love Chanel. So Coco Chanel, Vivienne Westwood, Rihanna, Fenty.
What should Elon Musk and Grimes baby actually be named?
I think they nailed it. It’s spot on. I have no idea how to even pronounce it, honestly. I think it’s a code and I think someone is going to have to crack it. Otherwise the child is going to have to spell their name their entire life. But it’s cool, I would expect nothing less from Elon and Grimes.
They really exceeded expectations there. Where’s your favorite place to travel?
My favorite place that I’ve been to is probably Dubai, but where I’d like to go to is Greece or London.
Beyonce or Rihanna?
No. No. No! Ah… can I say both? They each have different highlights.
Absolutely. Proudest moment?
Probably booking Molly’s Game, that opened up a lot of doors for me.
Last but not least, are you a good gossiper?
[Laughs] I’d like to think that I’m not.