How did you and Anselm Reyle meet? What about his work did you connect with?
Emann Odufu— Anselm and I have a mutual friend who is also in the art world. He was the intro to Anselm. I went to college with this mutual friend and while we were in college he had worked in Anselm's studio for a summer while we were at school together, about 13 years ago.
How would you describe your collaboration in curating the final selection for the exhibition?
EO— It's been a process, that has culminated for about almost a year and a half from our first phone call. It really first started when I wrote an essay in a catalogue for Anselm for a show he did at Dirimart in Turkey in 2022. The process of interviewing Anselm for that essay, coupled with a ton of research from his many other exhibitions was helpful in making the jump into the world of Anselm's work. From the essay, I feel like I understood what Anselm was about and the details of his artistic framework. Initially, we intended to do the show in a connecting warehouse to MoCA Westport to emulate 90's Berlin, we had a whole floor plan created, but we ended up not being able to shoot there for safety reasons and moved the show to the main gallery. That process required us to change the whole show and also pushed the show back a year. It was actually supposed to happen in April of 2022. As far as working with Anselm. It has been very significant. He has a very strong vision and understanding of his work, and honestly, it was really about going with the flow. Really helping and supporting Anselm in achieving his vision for the show and doing what I can to add to it. I'm a fairly new curator and I have this opportunity to work with a legend in the art arena, is amazing. Also, I feel like he genuinely valued my opinion, it never had a hierarchical feel to the collaboration. It felt like two creative people with support from teams of other people trying to make a dope show happen and make it a special moment. I think we are both pretty happy with how it turned out.
What do you hope comes across with the works on display?
EO— A feeling of happiness, or admiration, or inspiration. With this show you're sort of stepping into Anselm's universe and seeing the current manifestation of various elements that he has been experimenting with for decades. Experiments with color, materiality, surface, and light. There's no deeper meaning to it or maybe there is, but really what I'm interested in, and I think Anselm as well, is if you are reacting to it aesthetically in some way. I want the exhibition to tickle your senses in some way. I want you to go to the Neon Installation and take a pic and put it on the gram. I just want people to experience the show cuz its a good chance that if you do, you will enjoy it.
Watch Anselm and Emann in the midst of all the action.