The Voice of the MTA: Bernie Wagenblast

[Originally published in office magazine Issue 20, Fall-Winter 2023. Pre-order your copy here]
What is your ideal office?
My ideal office is pretty much what I work in now. I'm self-employed and I have a home office. My workspace is different from most in that it also doubles as a recording studio where I do voice over work and record my podcasts.
What would your autobiography be titled?
“No One Told Me Life Would Be This Exciting.”
Who has your favorite speaking voice?
It's hard to say one speaking voice is my favorite. There are different qualities I like from different individuals. In terms of a soothing voice, I would say Bob Ross, the painter. An announcer I admire is Vin Scully, while in news it would be Peter Jennings. Listening to trans women who have perfected a feminine-sounding voice, one of my favorites is Zheanna Erose.
What's the most memorable conversation you’ve had with a stranger?
It was brief and perfunctory, but I would say a short conversation I had with President Gerald Ford in the White House in 1976.
What was your last dream about?
I usually forget my dreams moments after waking up, but there is one dream I have repeatedly — it's what's known as a "radio dream." Many people who have been in broadcasting have these types of dreams. It involves some variation of having to go on the air and being unprepared. For me, it usually involves not having a script moments before my mic is turned on. More recently, there's been a variation of that dream where I'm in a play; I haven't even read the script, and find out I have to go on in minutes.
What makes you feel hopeful?
As a trans woman: the personal reaction I've had from friends, neighbors and colleagues makes me feel hopeful that acceptance of trans people will grow after this dark period we're going through currently. I believe a key is folks personally knowing someone who is trans and realizing we're just like them in many ways.
What makes you feel strong?
One advantage to being in my 60s is that I can look back on both high and low points in my life. Both have taught me valuable lessons and have shown me that I can persevere even when going through tough times.
What do you value most?
What is your favorite way you’ve used your voice?
I'm not a musician but there have been a couple of times where I've performed live as a narrator in front of an audience with a musical accompaniment. First, there's an adrenaline rush that comes when you're live, because there's no "take two" if you mess up. Second, I love the feedback you get from a live audience that you don't get either when you're on the radio or it's your recorded voice.
Who in your life has seen you more clearly than you can see yourself?
My wife. We lived together for 41+ years. That's longer than I spent with anyone and with that length of time you get to know your partner pretty well.