Welcome to the Future with Namasenda

Now, you're Swedish, correct?
Do you think that Swedish culture has had a significant impact on your art?
I think, maybe socially, that has had an impact on me because I mean, obviously Swedes are very introverted. We kind of keep to ourselves. And I don't think I've ever like felt really connected with that type of way. But I can also say that I really enjoy it sometimes. It's weird. I don't know how but I definitely think I'm being influenced in some type of way by it.
Would you call yourself an introvert then?
No...I don't know. I do like to be alone a lot. Maybe.
As a part of PC Music, a collective of incredibly talented artists and musicians, how do you see yourself growing alongside your peers?
I think we're always trying to push forward. All of us. For the last six months, I've been working really closely with both A.G. and Hannah (Hannah Diamond), and I feel like everyone within the label is just like trying to push and do new stuff. It's kind of funny because sometimes the fans don't really like that. They like what they're used to: "the PC sound." So when you do something else, It takes some time for them to catch up. But I think that's what's exciting about it. Pushing boundaries and just doing new cool shit all the time.
Where do you see yourself going as an individual within that context?
I don't know...I was going to say that I don't know where I'm going, but I do. It's more so that I don't know what the path is going to look like. What I do know is that I am pushing to do better and cooler shit every day. That's basically the motto.
Your collaborations have taken some spotlight recently. They all seem very seamless and synergistic. For instance, "Banana Clip," your collaboration with Mowalola sounds like such a complimentary blend of your unique sounds. How did that come together?
Actually, Mowa and I had been DMing a bit with each other for a while. I was trying to figure out people that I want to collaborate with. Even with collaborations, I always want to do something new and something fun. And I was like, "okay, but what people are there that aren't necessarily like in music...that much at least." Obviously, Mowa's released some singles, but she's more in fashion. So after that decision, it was kind of super random and quick. I sent her the song and said, "do you want to do something on it?" Almost within an hour, she sent something back, a verse. After that, we met in person for the first time and shot the cover art. It's always so exciting and fun and weird to see someone that you've been talking to on the internet, like in real life. The whole collaboration has just been so much fun.

Having gravitated towards collaborating with someone in the fashion world, what role does fashion play in your music and art at large?
Fashion plays a big role. I love fashion and the way it connects to music and expressing yourself. The way you can express yourself in any way using both of them is so interesting to me and plays a massive role in my life.
Who would you say is your fashion inspiration?
Everyone. Literally everyone. Everyone on Instagram. I go on the explore page and the algorithm just really gets me. I just find fun shit.
That actually makes sense in a really interesting way because PC Music seems to be all about the future and technology. You're kind of acknowledging the way that tech and social media influence such a big part of your life, such as fashion.
It's so funny that you're saying that PC is very futuristic. I feel that we need something new.
With PC?
With everything. We need something new...like a new app or glasses or something…I don't know. Everything like Instagram and Tik Tok feels so stone age.
What do you mean precisely by that?
You know, when I was 15, Facebook was the shit. And now Instagram is the shit. Or Tik Tok. I feel like I just need something new. I love technology, but everything is so boring right now. Maybe I need to go to space.
What are you listening to on repeat right now?
Oh my god. I'm listening to Bunny. It's by MISOGI and Oklou. It's so fucking good. Like it's insane.
As a singer, how did you end up making music with such heavy vocal augmentation?
It's interesting you say that. People think that because you autotune, it means that you can't sing. That is not true. Auto-tune is an instrument. You can't just scream into it and expect that it's going to sound good. You have to use your voice in a certain way for it to sound nice. It's an instrument, and it's a skill. So people need to stop with this nonsense. I just see it as an instrument, and it's my favorite instrument.
What is something that we should absolutely know about Namasenda?
Not everything is as it seems. I think that's something people just need to know. You can grab whatever you want from that statement. I think, especially with looking at people through a lens and social media… not everything is always what it seems.
Listen to Namasenda’s new single with Mowalola, “Banana Clip” HERE.