What Are You Watching This Summer?
City of God
Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund
Adrenaline-pumping action-packed scenes of chickens escaping, Rio De Janeiro night-life, blossoming romance, and friendships with contrasts of crime and war.

Y Tu Mamá También
Alfonso Cuarón
Lots and lots of sexual tension in this one. The adventures of two best friends on a getaway trip with a beautiful older woman across the country and anything can happen.

Sugar & Spice
Francine McDougall
Cheerleading and robberies. What an interesting combo, obviously. Where solving intense situations revolves around teen spirit.

Killer of Sheep
Charles Burnett
This black and white film penetrates the idea of survival and livelihood in Black America. Where kids find rocks and ditches to have fun and family dinners are a bit grim.

Jane Campion
A dark comedy with two very different sisters. Tree-houses, awkward conversations about sex, and kiddy pools.

Welcome to the Dollhouse
Todd Solondz
“Who’s Steve Rogers?” This film has been described as the darker and slightly more awkward girl version of Napoleon Dynamite.