Who is The GIMP?

Through mixed media, the artist sculpts hidden reflections constructing light within darkness of their murky palate. office spoke with Bailey Rose about pain, vulnerability and the GIMP.
Can you explain origin of your show’s title?
The viewer has the opportunity to create their own meaning for my works. the pieces I made are landing marks for much deeper and broader individual thought and hopefully, conversations. A gimp in the term ive titled my show, is a submissive entity. I wanted these pieces to exude emotion not imagery.. and challenge the viewers to feel and think, perhaps creating a space where they don’t understand even. While working on the pieces the titles meaning did shift however. I began to see myself as the GIMP, I was slaving away on these works. In the end I was left wondering — who is the GIMP? Maybe it’s not the viewer or the pieces after all, maybe it’s me.
Do you feel like all art originates from pain?
I don’t think all art originates from pain, but I do think art originates from more than just an idea and I believe artists are driven through inspiration and much of that drive is emotional.
Can art exist without pain?
Without pain how do we know joy. Art is a spectrum, just like our emotions. Art doesn’t exist without emotion.

What’s the experience like for you of having these works up, having viewers engage with them? What did you hope they would feel, if anything, when you put together the show and each piece?
It’s been a little unreal. I mean I’ve been very closed off to sharing my works in the past and for some time. The feedback has been beautiful and opening up has been really rewarding. I really just hoped I could get people to think and feel and be somewhat moved by the beauty that darkness holds.
What’s your studio practice like? Do you have rituals, what do you do or where do you go to source inspiration?
Right now I have a live work studio. Sometimes it’s a bit daunting and leaves for little routine when I just wake up and start painting. Or not.. but one thing I do whenever I paint is turn the music off. I work in silence. Solitude really inspires me. Not just by being alone myself, but seeing other people by themselves. Being alone is scary sometimes but when it’s comforting there’s nothing like it.

How much of this work is inspired by personal experience?
All of it. It’s very personal.. but I like to think it becomes personal to the viewer as well and their experiences.
What was your relationship to fine art growing up?
I have always said “I want to be an artist” I grew up making art. Paint, pottery, graphic. I was in art classes as a young child and an art academy in high school. It wasn’t till recently I realized I’ve been an artist all my life.
Who is your idol?
I don’t idolize anyone. But I have artists that inspire me like Sarah Lucas, Chris Cunningham and many of my peers.