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Coachella's Almost Over, Now Coachtopia is... in?

The Coachtopia brand has been co-created with a growing community of Gen-Z individuals who are climate activists, designers, upcyclers, journalists, filmmakers, entrepreneurs, and fashion enthusiasts. This shift in focus has reset the typical dynamic between brand and consumer, creating a brand that is exactly what the younger generation needs.


“Circularity is about reimagining not just the product lifecycle, but the relationship between brand, planet, and consumer. That’s why we’ve created Coachtopia as both a discovery lab to pioneer circularity in fashion and a collaborative platform for change,” says Joon Silverstein, SVP, Global Marketing, Creative and Sustainability at Coach and Head of Coachtopia.


The all-gender collection of bags, accessories, and footwear is now live. Check out the collection and tag along on this new, circular journey.

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