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Signs of Love: It's All in The Family

 It's a tale of an individual, Frankie, played by Hopper Penn, struggling to leave a life entrenched in petty crime and substance abuse behind, and finding both hope and solace in a girl from a well-off family, Jane, (Zoë Bleu).


Opening at the Brooklyn Film Festival on June 3, this film, acclaimed director Clarence Fuller's first feature, will be the debut for beloved actor Rosanna Arquette to be seen working alongside her daughter. 


"Growing up poor is stunting and multilayered. It can limit mentalities and therefore, opportunities. On the cover, everyone around you has cool clothes, the best sneakers, or the newest video game console, and you're getting picked on because you don’t. Behind closed doors, you’re largely unsupervised; your mom is working 12-hour days to stay off food stamps and to raise 5 kids on her own. There isn’t any time to give you special attention and you are never coddled. Your dad is not present and you are winging it trying to figure out how to navigate what life throws at you. As a teen, you start to make choices based on tangible things in life so you can feel as cool as your peers. As an adult, you realize it's the intangible things that are important, but you are already trapped by the choices you made as a teen. Or so you think… Meet Frankie."


—Clarence Fuller, Director

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