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You Can't Reach LORDE

LORDE says of Solar Power that “The album is a celebration of the natural world, an attempt at immortalizing the deep, transcendent feelings I have when I’m outdoors. In times of heartache, grief, deep love, or confusion, I look to the natural world for answers. I’ve learned to breathe out, and tune in. This is what came through.”


It is a coming of age celebration of feeling solidified in oneself and in the world. In keeping with the appreciation and respect of the environment, the young but mighty artist is presenting the album in a discless format with an eco-conscious Music Box as a substitute. The first-of-its-kind form will include bonus visuals, handwritten letters, exclusive photos, and a download card with high-quality files of the music, two bonus tracks, and a sneak peak into some upcoming surprises. LORDE is also embarking on a sold-out, 40+ show international tour beginning in February of 2022, performing in New Zealand, Australia, all over Europe, and all over North America. Pretty powerful, hunh?


In the song “Leader of a New Regime,” LORDE croons, “Made it to the island on the last of the outbound planes. Got a trunk full of Simone, and Celine, And of course my magazines. I’m gonna live out my days. Won’t somebody, anybody, be the leader of a new regime? For the keepers of a burnt-out scene.” This snippet reflects the kind of self healing isolation and an outlook common among the youth of today that LORDE is serving in Solar Power.


Listen and enjoy here.

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