Martine Gutierrez Is a Catalyst for Change

Gutierrez's groundbreaking three-gallery exhibition spanning three continents is on view until June 30th. RYAN LEE Gallery in New York, Fraenkel Gallery in San Francisco, and Josh Lilley in London will host distinct selections from the series, providing audiences with a glimpse into Gutierrez's artistic vision. Accompanying the exhibition is the artist's new book, APOKALYPSIS, published by RYAN LEE, offering an immersive experience into the rich tapestry of Gutierrez's artistry.
Gutierrez takes on the monumental task of portraying all 17 revolutionary figures herself, transcending conventional gender and cultural boundaries. From Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty, to Hua Mulan, the famed warrior of Chinese folklore, each character represents a powerful archetype that challenges established norms and offers a fresh perspective on the human experience.

Through her thought-provoking series, Gutierrez confronts us with questions that dig deep into the essence of power, symbolism, and truth. What is an icon, a cult image? What gives a symbol its power? How does culture influence and perpetuate systems of domination? These inquiries compel us to examine the historical context and the figures who have stood in opposition, shaping our understanding of the world.
While icons have traditionally represented humanity's spiritual ideals, Gutierrez's anti-icons defy the delusion of an inflated self-conception, refusing to conform to the limitations set by society. The anti-icon embodies unobfuscated femininity, revealing an encounter with genuine authenticity that transcends the superficial. In shattering the illusions perpetuated by icons, Gutierrez offers a revelation — a proclamation of clarity and truth that strips away the veneer of deception.
In a world that seems on the brink of collapse, Gutierrez's ANTI-ICON: APOKALYPSIS emerges as a powerful artistic statement. It reminds us that the world has ended before and will do so again, and within this cycle of destruction and creation, a new image of what the world truly is can emerge. Gutierrez's work resonates with the ethos of resistance, as creation becomes a powerful act of challenging the status quo and reimagining the possibilities that lie ahead.