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Meet Scarlett Cannon

Where were you born?


Sutton, Surrey (suburban south London).


Where do you feel most comfortable?


In my home, or somewhere quiet and peaceful in nature.


What quality do you think defines you most?


Realness, integrity, and humanity. I don't do fake. I don't care what other people think about me. I care what I think about myself because I know that my standards are very high.


What do you look for in a companion?


I have my companion, my dog Bette. She is loyal and loving, fun and sweet, and at times extremely cheeky.


What is your biggest weakness?


Ignoring my instincts.


What is your biggest strength?


Trusting my instincts.


What has surprised you most in life?


Having a chronic pain condition with multiple tedious symptoms has made my physical life much smaller, and at times caused me to want to leave the planet. But through learning to manage it, and having no choice but to completely reassess my life, I've gone deep, and actually become a much better person. That's been a big surprise. A bittersweet but nonetheless welcome surprise. 


What does your perfect day look like?


Perfect day is by the sea. It's warm with a gentle breeze, the beach is sandy and wide and empty, and I can sit on a rock and relax, while Bette can run around. A good ice cream afterwards tops the day off nicely. I'm a woman of simple pleasures.


What is your favorite color? 


Red, orange, pink or a combination of all three. But I love all colors!


Who are your favorite fictional characters?


Mrs. Taggart, the one-eyed mother in The Anniversary, as played by Bette Davis in her eye patch. She's deliciously evil!


Who or what is your biggest inspiration?


There are too many things and too many people to choose one, or even a handful. Nature is a massive inspiration for me. The young people organising themselves in protest against the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians is extremely inspiring. I am my own inspiration.

What is your favorite food?


That varies depending on my mood. I'm 47 years vegetarian, and I like simple but delicious food. Pasta with spinach, garlic and cream sauce is always a favorite, and easy to make. I always thought I could live on good dhal and rice. I love South Indian food particularly. My current favorite for eating out is Fat Ted's Streat Food in Sheringham, Norfolk. It's a takeaway and set up in a wooden shed, and their dirty fries with avocado, hummus and halloumi are absolutely delicious. But I'm in London so I only get to eat from here if I'm holidaying in the area!


What quality do you dislike most in someone?


Fakery. Lack of integrity, humanity, or conscience.


What is your earliest memory?


I must have been somewhere between 18 months and 2 years old. It was morning and I was in the kitchen with my family on a summer day, with the sun streaming in. I said "hold on" in answer to something, and my brother grabbed and pulled my hair, and I squealed. It was his 13-year old boy's idea of a joke. I said hold on so he held on. To my hair.


What is your biggest luxury?


Waking up every day. Life is a luxury so I need to make the most of it.


How do you show someone you love them?


By being truthful and honest.


What is your biggest achievement?


Still being here. Still walking, albeit with pain. Knowing who I am.

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