Oakland's Distinct DJ Scene
How does the DJ scene in Oakland differ from any other city in the country?
The DJ scene in Oakland is different in a sense that we feel the scene is a bit more advanced as a far as music taste and art direction.
What does each member of your group bring to the table?
Each member of Another Party Fam is like a machine. One person handles bookings and logistics, while another may handle more of the art direction for promotional assets etc. We mentioned before that you don’t need to be a DJ to be a part of APF!
Biggest inspiration?
Biggest inspiration has to our friends! We like to keep inspirational people around us at all times to keep us motivated through this hectic lifestyle.
What was the best part of playing at Red Bull Music Block Party?
The best part of playing at the Redbull Music Block Party was having the opportunity to work and meet with other collectives and show how diverse our DJ/party/music scene really is in Oakland.