Rico Nasty is an Undeniable Rockstar

When office caught up with Rico on-site at Rolling Loud, her set had just been cut short for foreign reasons, but that didn't stop the artist from being content in her dressing room, in a bubbly mood, and surrounded by a Tauruses first love — food. We caught up to chat about her new music, a mockup of her perfect world, and Tetris.
Read the interview below.
So, what type of energy were you're sending out into the crowd when you were on stage?
Um, I don't know. It was really good seeing my New Yorkers. I'll say that, I'll say that because when they're reciting the lyrics back to me, it feels like they yelling, just like how I'm yelling at my music. It felt good to feed off of them.
What would you say your aura color is today while performing at Rolling Loud?
Oh my gosh. I feel like it's like orange.
What hue of orange?
Like a sunset orange.
So I'm assuming you're coming out with new music, what is the biggest difference between what you've come out with before and what's coming out now?
Well, I feel like I’m starting to learn who I am and what I like about myself and what I like about my music. Obviously when I first started making music, I was just making music and putting it out. With this song that’s coming out, it's actually a song that I've had for years. I just feel like everything is about perfect timing. That's what's different about this new music that I'm going to be putting out. I don't I don't want to tell people that the music will be few and far in between, but I just want to start putting out stuff that I only really, really like.
If you were going to compare your next project to a video game, what video game would it be?
I would compare it to Tetris. We’ve been playing a lot of it on tour. Me and my boyfriend almost have like 200k on Tetris.
Damn, That's like those Candy Crush moms.
We're like really good at it, yeah like those Candy Crush moms, exactly.
I'm really only good at Checkers, I can beat anyone at Checkers.
I don't know why you strike me as like a Connect Four type of person. I feel like you could bust my ass in Connect Four. I can see it on your face! You have the poker face.
It's the Taurus energy!
You're a fucking Taurus?!
Yes, I'm a Taurus. Are you?
Yes! When's you're birthday?
May 17th.
Whoa, that was creepy. My birthday is May 7th. I thought you was going to say May 7th. I was like, "Twin!"
What's your moon and rising?
Both Gemini.
If you were to leave the world with whatever final message, what would it be?
Oh my God. I want it to just be like — on my tombstone, "rock on."
Oh, it's giving emo rock babe. It's giving rawr XD.
No, it's giving... it's giving. It's giving "turn around and die." No, seriously though— rock on, man.
Let’s say we are living in Rico Nasty’s ideal world. What does it look like? Who’s in charge? What are the rules? Paint the scene for me.
Dogs are in charge. I think dogs do a great job at reading people. There’s a beach and niggas gotta' be naked on it, but women don’t have to be. The men will work in construction for the town that I’ve created. They all have to wear pink wigs, thick ass, give em' whiplash (you already know). In order to get a job, you have to recite one Nicki Minaj verse, word for word. If you fuck it up or stutter, you’re never getting a job again. Women Meanwhile, women get complimentary hair and makeup done. I can’t have no bum bitches in my town. And then also, this is my favorite part, Strawberry Milk. Strawberry Milk is the drink. Any dairy alternatives.
Okay, so Rico for president.
Maybe not president, but let me run a town. Let me be the mayor.