On Delancey with Sandy Liang

What inspired this collection?
The new jewelry collection was inspired by the shapes and symbols of childhood, updated with luxurious materials. I wanted to make jewelry because it was a new medium to play with. It's such a different design process from clothes, and it was super refreshing to have to learn a new process.
How do accessories and jewelry help people to express themselves in a time where we are, for the most part, stuck indoors?
I think more than anything it's fun. It almost doesn't matter what you're wearing for your outfit - you can stay in your jewelry for as long as you want. Even if you feel blah about your outfit because you've worn it for the third day in a row (which I have done plenty of times, pre and during Covid), you can still play with jewelry to change up how you feel. I think we dress for ourselves too and jewelry is just another layer of that. I think people want to feel good, regardless of who they are or aren't seeing that day. I think it's incredibly important to not sink into that feeling where it doesn't matter how you look, therefore feel. I think putting yourself together in the morning or whenever can be a very uplifting thing.
How has your design process evolved since you started working in jewelry?
It's a different process, in a way it's more freeing. Because I know less about the overall process, I have more questions and therefore I play more. I feel less restricted than if I were to be designing a dress, because I kind of know the limitations of fabrics, labor, etc all at the top of my head.
What inspired you to begin playing with a mix of materials—plastic and pearls, metal and mirrors, etc.?
I'm obsessed with certain aspects and figments of my childhood. I would have to say that my first jewelry collection was deeply inspired by Polly Pockets and just the memory of playing with them at my best friend's house growing up. Just thinking about that makes me feel good inside. It's super meaningful to me. So the resin and a lot of the shapes comes from that, and then I wanted to update it all with beautiful and luxurious materials that my twenty-something year old self would want to wear.