How do you think that the creative industry— fashion, arts, etc.— might answer those questions?
You know: the cliché “representation matters” soundbite blah blah blah. I hate saying that because it’s so cheesy and misused. I’m reluctant to say that, but I will because it is technically true. Representation, diversity, people need to see themselves etc… you’ve heard all of this before. It’s a catchphrase people love throwing out into the abyss. But these brands need to understand that representation isn’t a free pass to pay people less, not pay people at all, or to tokenize them for the sake of diversity points. These brands are not slick. Like — the industry can answer this by just fucking casting people because they’re beautiful humans and integrate them into their normal castings and stop making a fucking circus about it. Stop making a press release about it. Oh and PAY EVERYONE EQUALLY. Sorry, I get a little indignant on that topic.
Favorite childhood hero, or imaginary friend?
I was never a child.
Which makeup do you love and which do you hate?
I hate red lipstick on me. I hate bright colors in general on my lips. I usually bring the drama with my clothes, but not makeup. I love a good highlight on the nose and cheekbones and a subtle contour. Brown lipstick. A natural look, but aspirational. Sometimes a glossy lid when I’m feeling extra. I can’t do most of the things I just listed, but I love when makeup artists do them on me.
Are there any trends you wish would die? What would you replace them with?
Um. There are some things that I wouldn’t do for me, but whatever, anyone can do what they want. But as a general rule, I feel people shouldn’t do their beauty / makeup routines tailored just for Instagram. You know when people have faces that photograph great under stage lights but it looks clown-like in person? It’s a bit bizarre. But if you KNOW you look strange in person and don’t care... do you. Own it.
How important is fantasy to you?
It’s so fucking important to me. I’ve spent my whole life living on the moon. My life is all about living on a high, dressing like I’m high, keeping my standards high. I’ve been able to pull off some amazing things because I refuse to think “realistically.” No one’s gonna break up this Barbie’s world.