(RIGHT photo by Vikram Valluri)
The pickles were a risky addition … What fueled this audacious move to redefine limits?
Pickles are risky, huh? People seem to be loving this move. I guess we’ll keep them.
Does Kevin like pickles?
Let’s just say he’s not the guy hitting ‘No Pickles’ in the JOE app.
Is this item a permanent item on the menu?
It is! We’ll be running it with Kevin through June, but it will remain on the menu from there.
Should we expect more athletic collaborations in the future?
Sit back, relax and enjoy the show … or game? ;)
Where is the best place to consume this sandwich?
At any one of our 400 stores globally, of course.
Does the sandwich have any enemies?
The Tunacado’s been giving it the side eye a lot lately… we’re monitoring the situation, but HR might need to step in soon.
On a scale from “casual snack” to “legendary meal,” where does The Steak Sandwich rank in Joe & The Juice history?
The Steak by KD is the MVP right now, and I’ll leave it at that.
Available globally through June 20th, The Steak by Kevin Durant will continue to be a staple in my lunch rotation. However, with the support of concerned loved ones, I’m cutting back a little, replacing my breakfasts with other options like eggs or yogurt, paired with a cup of joe or juice, of course.