645AR: The Squeak Heard Around The World

His new joint with FKA Twigs, “Sum Bout U,” features Twigs as a cam girl and 645AR as her adoring fan. With this buzzworthy collab, 645AR is proving how his influence and squeak is part of the next wave. We caught up with the rapper in Atlanta to discuss Tik Tok, dream collabs, and how he came up with his signature sound.
How did you come up with the name 645AR?
Alright so, that was my building number when I was staying in the Bronx, so I just put my initials after that. On some real organic shit.
What artists did you listen to growing up? Did growing up in the Bronx play a big role in shaping you as an artist?
When I was growing up man, I was heavy on the 50 [50 Cent], I think it was like 50 and Jay-Z. Right after NY, we had moved to Florida, for like a year. It was like ’06, ’07, I was listening to T-Pain and I was just catching on to Lil Wayne. After Florida, I had moved to some shit in Georgia, right outside Atlanta though, it’s called Smyrna. So, I moved around ya’know. I incorporate that in all the music I be doing.
Did you always know that you wanted to be in the music industry, or was it just something that you stumbled into?
I stumbled into it. I really had dreams of making it to the league. Basketball just wasn’t working out and shit. I was a ballplayer hanging out with like rappers, but underground rappers, so after I was done playing ball, I was around hella rap shit. Then I was just like, “Man, you need to try this shit out.”

What’s your process when making music?
When I make music, it’s a purpose behind me making music that day. Like my new song that’s coming out, I was having relationship issues. You know, I just be going on with that day or with how I feel.
So, I have to ask you, how did you come up with your signature squeaky rap style?
Man, I was just thinking, because I was making music, and it wasn’t getting no traction in the city so BOOM, I just had to think outside the box. I gotta do something different. But I can’t do something too different where I’m gonna look stupid and shit. I was trying to be different and think outside the box. I was trying to think of something that had never been done before.
I want to talk about the music. "Yoga," the viral song on Tik Tok that has all the kids dancing—how did you come up with it? Did you think that it would be as big as it is?
Yeah, I knew it was gonna be big. "Yoga" originally had Ola Runt on it, FREE OLA RUNT! I don’t know if y’all are familiar with Ola Runt, but that’s like Gucci’s new artist. He’s from Atlanta. We were in the studio and we ended up making that song. That’s from before I signed, though. So, that song came out probably by the end of November. But then Ola was on it, and the city was picking up on it. It was moving in the city a little bit. Then I dropped “4 Da Trap," it went crazy, and then we doubled back on "Yoga.”
You worked with Hook this year and created “Act Up.” It’s one of my favorite songs of 2020. What was it like working with her and how did the song come about?
I made “Yoga” and that “Act Up” song in the same week. I think Hook had reached out, and then I pulled up on them in the studio. That was the first time that we ever linked. Then we ended up making “Act Up.” Then I ended up meeting up with Hook in LA and NY and that’s kind of how we built that relationship.
Who are some artists you want to collab with?
Fleetwood Mac. Elton John. I just think outside the box though, like it would probably be a pop artist. I see myself collabing with somebody who’s not in my genre.
If we could see your energy as color, what could would it be and why?
I say green. I like money so, green.
Has COVID-19 affected your music in anyway?
Oh yeah, HELL YEAH. Definitely, man. No shows, I can’t do no shows. I've had some shows cancelled because of COVID. It sucks, but people’s safety is more important.
What’s one thing that you want to be remembered for, even if it’s not just for being 645AR?
I see myself as a city mogul. Putting on for my city. I want to be remembered as a public figure.